Sunday, February 5, 2012

Opening the SEAL

Venus’ retrograde of our compelling poles
has now commenced to
carrying us back to our underlying principles. . .
Rising from every foundation, on pedestals
based on Love and humanity
The desire to harmonize with the Infinite, is renovating. . .
A “World Court” must be formed, NOW!
For the King of Mongols prepares. . .
as he collects the gold against our Masters’ signature!
Awaken to your ancient memories!
Nibiru will lead their line of attack
down the path of the aligning Milky Way, like shiny droplets of a mother’s sustenance. . .
These shining stars are siding!
from a Black Hole
and Nephilim will soon emerge, channeling the Sumerians back to the Anunnaki!
There was a plethora of clues!
Who did not heed?
They have returned to claim their strands!
The two snakes of the double helix. . .
The cross-over of theirs, and our chromosomes, that made slaves out of us!
The mining for this gold is at end, if you wish!
This is the Age of Aquarius!
The end of the thirteenth baktun has arrived!
Will you hop on Planet X as she passes by?
From the Adam, an Eden will manifest!
The Coming comet contains all the amalgamation of sacred knowledge
. . . above and beyond the twelve!
Think Apostle, planet, zodiac or Tribe. . .
Now is the time, to reunite what we’ve scattered
A new paradigm is here!
The Thirteen Skulls. . .
Give rise to The Coming Together of these crystals!
Our representation of pure transformation reshaping the shift . . .
Unlocking Stonehenge, in an order to neutralize . . .
So, new realities will manifest!
Let us synchronize our dreams and find each other!
Find the Pampa Colorada
Then, follow the Nazca Lines. . .
The sacred path to water your souls will be exclaimed along the way. . .
a little Child will lead us. . .

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